Thesis Binding Styles

Library Standard Binding (Buckram)
The least expensive book we offer is the library standard binding. This is machine oversewn, with a black buckram cloth cover binding of acid-free construction. Your last name and date of degree are gold stamped on the spine. This is the binding style that graduate students need in order to meet the requirements for a Doctorate at Princeton University. It is also attractive enough for presentation to advisors or undergraduate thesis submissions.

Books up to ½-inch thick are made with a square (unrounded) spine. We round and back the spine for sizes above ½ an inch.

View an assortment of doctoral thesis library standard bookbinding here.

Buckram Roundback Binding
The buckram roundback binding includes all the features of our library binding process. In addition, we gold foil stamp the book’s title and your full name on the front cover along with a separator line between the title and name. On the spine we will put your last name and date of degree, along with decorative double lines at the top and bottom of the spine. Our stamping design can be varied to meet the requirements of your school. Stamping colors available include gold, silver, copper, white, black, red and blue.

The most popular buckram colors for covers are black, dark gray, dark red, maroon, orange, royal blue, navy, and dark green (see below). If you require a different color please contact us to discuss availability. Colors below are approximate. Please call us if you would like to see a sample.
thesis_swatch_buckram View an assortment of completed bound books here.

Leather Roundback Binding
The leather roundback is made and gold stamped the same way as the buckram roundback (above). The only difference is that the cover material is bonded leather. This material is available in black, navy, burgundy, forest green and brown. Colors below are approximate. Please call us if you would like to see a sample. Additional accessories can be added to your book such as a bookmark and marbled endsheets.
thesis_swatch_bonded View an assortment of completed bound books here.

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